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Find the best, legally available trade mark for your product or business.

Click here to submit details of the Trade Mark that you would like to register.

We will contact you within 24 hours with a firm quotation for the registration(s) required.

We register trademarks in the UK, EU and internationally.

All our searches are carried out by fully-qualified solicitors.

The Times Logo

Law Society Logo

Name Search

Trademark Registration

Solicitors Regulation Association

Trademark Services

If you are looking for totally reliable national and international trademark services, you are in the right place. Our specialist trademark lawyers provide a full range of expert trademark services, from free initial advice and clearance searches right through to international application and renewal programmes.

We pride ourselves on our accessibility, professionalism and cost-effectiveness and it is for these reasons that we have become one of the leading trademark services providers in the UK. Our trademark services are fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and we are accredited by Chambers UK Legal Directory as Leaders in the Field of Intellectual Property Law

Many thousands of businesses consult us annually for free trademark advice on their legal position, for instance, when they are launching a new brand, entering a new market or facing competitor activity that is adversely affecting their market.

As part of our trademark services, we also often advise on contentious cases involving trademark infringement and ‘passing off’. Our trademark services include handling opposition actions, not only in the UK, but internationally, through our affiliates in other jurisdictions. We negotiate commercial co-existence agreements and settlements in many of these cases, but our fully-qualified trade mark lawyers are also expert in bringing the full weight of the law to bear in cases where this is necessary.

All kinds of businesses in the UK and around the world, from start-ups to multi-nationals, rely on our trademark services to acquire, assert, defend and capitalise on their intellectual property rights.

Many of our trademark services are completely free of charge so please contact us right away if you need advice and support on any trademark or branding issues.

ABOUT TRADE MARKS to help you with trademark registration, how to trademark a name, register a trade nametrademark a company namecopyright  a logotrademark a brand name and much more  
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Got a trademark question or concern?
Our specialist lawyers will be pleased to provide you with some FREE legal advice. Click here to submit your question.
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