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domain v trademark Posts

Tuesday July 5, 2011 at 12:36pm
A quick Trademark Registration 'Boot-Camp' that aims to explain  the legal and commercial benefits of trademark registration and what every business should know about how to protect the legal rights in their business name....1. Exclusivity: The One and Only… Trademark registration will confirm your legal ownership of the name or brand and enable you to stop others using your name for the same, or similar, goods or services. A successful trademark application will mean that you q....
Monday June 20, 2011 at 12:47pm
New-style ICANN Domains:The Net Widens, Don't Be Caught! ICANN, the body that controls the assignment of domain names and web addresses has announced this week that from now on, URLs will not be restricted to the standard suffixes such as .com, .org and Apparently, anything will be possible when the new scheme rolls out - for example we can expect to see and quite soon. Any word could replace the "dot com". Accountants, for instance, co....
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