UK Business Name Search
If you want to carry out a UK business name search you are in the right place.
Our popular UK business name search service is completely free and done by trained trademark lawyers who will carry out a professional UK business name search for you and report the results to you by email without any charge.
Just click the 'Begin Your Trademark Search Here' button at the top of the page or the 'Free Trademark Search' icon to the right of your screen and we will do the rest for you.
Trademark and business name issues are often quite complex and to do a UK business name search thoroughly requires a high degree of professional skill. is best left to the trademark professionals who can set the proper UK business name search criteria and then interpret the search results to avoid expensive legal problems later.
So do a UK business name search using our free online service and you can have confidence that the protection of your business name is in safe hands
If you want you can speak to us. Just call us on 020 7842 8000 and ask for the Trade Marks Team.
We also offer a free Legal Consultation Service so if you have a legal question about any aspect of trademarks or business names please do not hesitate to get in touch.
For corporate clients, we also offer a popular Name Creation Service which can be very useful if all of your chosen names are taken or if you are days away from launch and you suddenly discover that you cannot use the chosen name for legal reasons.
Got a trademark question or concern?
Our specialist lawyers will be pleased to provide you with some FREE legal advice.
Click here to submit your question.