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Let Us Create a Name For You!

trademark registration name creation servicesCreating a successful name for a new product, service or business idea requires a complex blend of marketing, creative and legal expertise.

You don't  just need a good name. 

You need the very best, legally-available name that will make your business idea FLY!

The best name can ensure your business success. A bad name can ruin your chances and land you in the legal 'long grass' ...and  whatever name you choose it must be legally available to minimise potential legal problems.

After 30 years in the trademark business, we have a unique blend of creative, legal and branding expertise and a unique perspective on what makes a name successful.

...So let us create a name for you!

 The Benefits...

Avoid Pre-Launch Disasters: Companies often leave it to the very last minute to name the new business and discover, with only days or hours to go to launch, that there is no consensus on the name, or, worse, that the name they were planning to adopt is not legally-available. Our clients often need to find a new name!
Gain Immediate Market Position: A strong name differentiates a new business in an already competitive market sector by securing instant brand recognition and helping it to rise quickly to a pre-eminent market position.
Secure First-Mover Advantage: Often a new business idea, however ground-breaking, is just not legally protectable and so it is critical to launch under a strong name that will quickly gain a place in the collective consciouness of the potential customer audience whilst minimising the possibilty of legal challenge. A strong brand name can secure first mover advantage.
Re-brand Effectively: When it is necessary to rebrand, either for commercial or for legal reasons, the name creation process needs to be swift, legally secure and effective. A business that is undergoing a rebrand is already facing significant cost, and it is important that this investment is not jeopardised by adopting a name that will lead to legal problems down the line.
Who The Hell Chose This Name?: No-one wants to carry the can for a product that bombed because of a weak, inappropriate or legally questionable name. It is much better to rely on a dedicated name creation service that follows an organised methodology and enables you to identify the best, legally-available name and to proceed to launch with confidence. how does it work?

CLICK HERE to find out more about the Name Creation process.

ABOUT TRADE MARKS to help you with trademark registration, how to trademark a name, register a trade nametrademark a company namecopyright  a logotrademark a brand name and much more  
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