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Click here to submit details of the Trade Mark that you would like to register.

We will contact you within 24 hours with a firm quotation for the registration(s) required.

We register trademarks in the UK, EU and internationally.

All our searches are carried out by fully-qualified solicitors.

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Trademark Registration

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International trademark registration

The most cost-effective and efficient means of applying for international trademark registration is through under the Madrid Protocol.

The procedures available under the Madrid Protocol allow us to initiate an international trademark registration programme by filing a single international trade mark application in London.

This international trademark registration programme can include some or all of the following Madrid Protocol countries:

Albania; Antigua & Barbuda; Armenia; Australia; Austria*; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belarus; Belgium*; Bhutan;
Bosnia & Herzegovina; Botswana; Bulgaria*; China; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus*; Czech Republic*; Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea; Denmark*; Estonia*; EU; Finland*; France*; Georgia; Germany*; Ghana; Greece*; Hungary*;
Iceland; Iran; Ireland*; Italy*; Japan; Kenya; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia*; Lesotho; Liechtenstein; Lithuania*; Luxembourg*;
Madagascar; Moldova; Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Netherlands*;
Norway; Oman; Poland*; Portugal*; Republic of Korea; Romania*; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sao Tome &
Principe; Serbia; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovakia*; Slovenia*; Spain*; Swaziland; Sweden*; Switzerland; Syrian
Arab Republic; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; United Kingdom*;
United States of America; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Zambia

(* these countries are also members of the Community Trade Mark System: a Madrid Protocol application can be filed for these countries either individually, or jointly as the entire EU)

For countries like Canada that are not members of the Madrid Protocol, we can file national applications through our worldwide network of trade mark affiliates and administer the whole portfolio from our offices in London.

So it is now relatively easy and affordable to seek international trademark registration throughout the world and we will be pleased to provide a fixed fee quote for you.

All you need to do is to contact us and let us know which countries you would like to include in your international trademark registration programme and we will get back to you with a cost for approval.

We pride ourselves on our international trademark registration experience and this is one of the reasons that we have become one of the leading trademark services providers in the UK. As a firm of solicitors, we are fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and we are accredited by Chambers UK Legal Directory as Leaders in the Field of Intellectual Property Law

Many thousands of businesses consult us annually for free trademark advice on their legal position, for instance, when they are launching a new brand, entering a new international market or facing overseas competitor activity that is adversely affecting their market.

For any further advice and information, please contact us and one of our experts will be happy to help

ABOUT TRADE MARKS to help you with trademark registration, how to trademark a name, register a trade nametrademark a company namecopyright  a logotrademark a brand name and much more  
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