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Find the best, legally available trade mark for your product or business.

Click here to submit details of the Trade Mark that you would like to register.

We will contact you within 24 hours with a firm quotation for the registration(s) required.

We register trademarks in the UK, EU and internationally.

All our searches are carried out by fully-qualified solicitors.

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Trademark Registration

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So What is the Trademark Register?

The Trademark Register in any given country is the official national register of all the registered trademarks or pending trademark applications in that particular country.

In the UK, the Trademark Register is known as the UK Intellectual Property Office or UKIPO but most developed countries and even a few non-developed countries have their own national trademark register.

There is also the EU trademark register at OHIM (the European Intellectual Property Office) and the international trademark register at WIPO(the World Intellectual Property Office).

All trade marks that are registered in a particular territory should be listed in the Trademark Register of that territory, with details of the class of goods or services that the trade mark is protected for, the owner of that trade mark, and also the relevant dates relating to the filing and registering of that mark.

Before making any application to register a trademark, a detailed preliminary search of the relevant Trademark Register should be undertaken to ascertain that no similar name has been registered by a third party in the same or a similar class of goods or services.

We provide a free trademark search service to make this easy for you. Just complete the search box and click.

All of your trade names and brands should be protected by means of formal trademark registration in the Trademark Register of each of the countries in which you carry on business to ensure that you have the exclusive right to use the names in those territories. Do not rely on domain or company name registration. You have been warned!

Contact us now for some free advice now on your own names and brands and how to protect them.

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ABOUT TRADE MARKS to help you with trademark registration, how to trademark a name, register a trade nametrademark a company namecopyright  a logotrademark a brand name and much more  
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